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Content Segmentation & User Groups

How to Create User Groups & Assign to a Workspace

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 8 April, 2024

There are three different ways that User Groups can be created and managed.

  1. By manually creating User Groups and adding users to them in the Thrive CMS.
  2. By filling in the Groups column for each employee in your User Upload file.
  3. Groups can automatically be created based on data in your Active Directory if your app uses Active Directory login.

This article focuses on Option 1 - Manually creating a User Group and assigning it to a Workspace. You can find information about the creation and management of User Groups using a User Upload File and through Active Directory Integration in this Help Centre article.

Manually Creating a User Group

To create a user group, start by going to Org Settings in the Thrive CMS, then click on the User Groups menu on the left.

Now press the Add New User Group button:

User Groups Menu

On the next screen, give your new User Group a name. On this screen, you'll also see two other options:

  • Group Live / Not Live: You can use this tick-box to deactivate your group later if you no longer need it. If this option is un-ticked the Group will no longer be available for selection in your content audience menu.
  • Exclude from Sync: This option is on by default when manually creating a group in the CMS. Having this ticked means that if a User Upload file is uploaded, this Group will not sync with the file. The users won't be removed from this manually created group when the file is uploaded even if they don't have this group listed as one of their groups in the file. You'll usually want to leave this option ticked for manually created ad-hoc groups.

Add New Group

Finally press Save Changes to create your group.

Assign Your Group to a Workspace

Now that you have created your new User Group and give it a name, before you add users to your group you'll also need to assign the User Group to a Workspace. When a User Group is automatically created from a User Upload file, or through an Active Directory integration this part is also done automatically. But when manually creating a User Group, you also have to do this part manually.

After you've pressed Save Changes to create your group, you'll notice three tabs appear at the top of the group menu: Group Overview, Users and Workspaces. We'll come back to using the Users tab to manually add users to your group in the next article in this section of the Help Centre. For now, click on the Workspaces tab:

Assign Group to Workspace

Next, press + Add New Workspace and you'll see a list of the Workspaces in your Organisation. For most Thrive customers, this will be one single Workspace.

Beside the Workspace press Add, then press Close to close this menu.

Add Group to Workspace

And finally, once again press Save Changes to complete the process of assigning your User Group to a Workspace.

Next Step - Add Users to Your Group

Now that you have created your group, given it a name and assigned it to a workspace, before you can publish any content for this group you'll need to add some users to it first.

In this next Help Centre article, we'll show you how to manually add users to your User Group.