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Document Locker

How to Send a Locker File to a User or Group

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 2 August, 2024

With Locker, you can use the Thrive CMS to manually send a PDF file to an individual or an entire User Group. This file will then be accessible to that user from within their in-app Locker.

Note: The first time a user accesses the Locker from your app's menu, they will be asked to create a 4 digit passcode to keep their Locker files secure. They will also be asked if they want to enable biometrics like Face ID or Touch ID, so that they don't have to enter their passcode each time.

Start by clicking on the Locker Management option at the top of the Thrive CMS. If you don't see that option, Locker may not be enabled for your organisation. Simply ask your Thrive Customer Success Manager to enable it.

Locker Management

You'll find yourself on the Locker Files overview screen, where you can review files that have previously sent. See this Help Centre article for more information on the options on this screen.

To begin the process of sending a file (or multiple files) to a user or user group, click on the File Upload tab. In this tab sending a file is a three step process:

  1. Choose your file(s)
  2. Give your batch a name
  3. Choose who should receive the file(s)

1. Choose your File(s)

Here you can either drag and drop files, or press Choose Files to open your PC's file browser to select the PDFs you wish to send:

Upload Locker Files

 This might be a single file, or it might be multiple files that you want to send at the same time. Every time you send files through Locker, you are creating what we call a Batch.

A Batch Can Contain:

  • A single file being sent to a single user
  • Multiple files being sent to a single user
  • A single file being sent to multiple users or a an entire group
  • Multiple files being sent to multiple users or an entire group

When you have selected your file(s), it should look like the example below, with your file appearing in the window on the right. If you accidentally chose the wrong file, simply press the little trash can icon to delete it.

Uploaded File

2. Give Your Batch a Name

Use the Please Name Your Batch field to give a descriptive name to this batch. Giving it a logical and descriptive name makes it easier for you to search for it future:

Locker Batch Name

3. Choose Who Should Receive the File(s)

Finally, select which users or groups should receive this file to their in-app Locker. Press the Search/Select button:

Search and Select Users

You'll land on the Search Users tab, where you can choose individual users to receive your file. Simply search for a user and tick the box beside their name if you want them to receive the file:

Choose users to receive file

And you can repeat the process of searching and ticking to select multiple individuals to receive the file.

The Search Groups tab works the same way. Use this if you want to send the file to all users in a particular user group rather than to specific individuals.

Press the Confirm button when you have finished choosing which users or groups your file will be send to.

Finally press the Upload Files / Create Batch button, which has now turned blue. If this button is still grey and not-clickable, it means that you've missed a step above. You have either not selected at least one file, given your batch a name, or selected at least one user to receive the file:

Upload and Create Batch

Your batch will process, then the file(s) will be sent to the selected users. The more files are in your batch, the more time it will take to process and send.

The user receiving the file will get both a Push Notification and an in-app notification to let them know that the file has been added to their locker. If they tap on the notification, they will be brought to the locker to access the file.

Locker Files