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Feature Release Updates

New Feature! UGC Video!

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 15 November, 2023

Improve Your App Engagement With UGC Video!

Over the next couple of weeks, we'll be updating your app to include our latest exciting new feature - UGC Video!

In addition to text, images and files, users will also now be able to add videos to their UGC posts to your app, giving you even more ways to encourage engagement.

When you enable the option to allow videos in a UGC list in your app, the user will see an 'Add Video' button on the UGC posting screen which allows them to upload a video from their phone or PC.

UGC Video

One Important Note - Your App Needs to be Updated First!

While we have already added the option to allow UGC videos in the CMS, please don't enable this option until we have reached out to confirm that your app has been updated to support this new feature - as it won't work without your app being updated!

After your app has been updated, most of your employees should receive the update automatically, but if you do enable UGC video and someone hasn't updated their app, they'll be shown a message to tell them how to check for an app update before they'll be able to post any videos.

After your app has been updated, all you'll need to do to enable UGC video is navigate to the 'List Type' tab of your UGC list and tick the Allow Users to Upload Videos option. Then press Save and Publish Now.

UGC Form Options

But Wait, There's More!

Along with adding support for UGC video, we have also increased the file size limit for all videos! Both those added in UGC posts, and videos uploaded to the CMS. The file size limit for videos has now been increased from today to a whopping 1GB!

We're sure that the addition of UGC Video and increased video file sizes will give you even more scope to make your app more engaging and enjoyable for your users, and we'll be back in touch soon to let you know when your app has been updated so that you can start making use of this exciting new feature!

For a full and walkthrough an explanation of the various ways you can use UGC to enhance engagement with your app, please our Help Centre section dedicated to UGC and Peer Recognition.