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Ask Users to Agree to Your Terms of Use on First Login

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 1 March, 2024

If you have terms and conditions of use, or a privacy policy that you need your users to agree to before they can log in to the app for the first time, you can set this up in the Thrive CMS.

Please note that you cannot avail of this option if your app uses Active Directory login, as that entirely replaces your app's login screen with your own organisation's SSO login page.

Start by clicking on Org Settings in the Thrive CMS, then click on Builds in the menu on the left:

Edit Build

The terms and conditions are added separately for the native apps (iOS and Android) and the Webapp. You'll need to set this up separately on both.

Your mobile app is the one called com.mycompany.myappname, and your webapp is the called mycompanyname.

As shown in the example above, click Edit beside whichever one you wish to set up first.

On the next screen, click on the Terms of Use tab, then tick the box labelled Add Terms & Conditions to the Login Process:

Add Terms of Use

Now copy the text of your terms and conditions in to the T&Cs Content box like the example above. You'll also need to add some text for the 'button name'. Usually this will be something like Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy for example.

Finally, click on Save Changes.

Now that you have added these Terms of Use, any users registering their account for the first time will have to tick the Terms of Use check-box on the registration screen to say that they agree, before they can proceed to register and choose a new password. If they tap on the words Terms of Use, a page will open showing the text that you added. They can simply press the 'X' in the corner to close this page then tick the check-box to agree with the terms.

In your app, that will look like this:

Terms of use in-app

 Don't forget to also add the same thing to the Webapp. Simply repeat the same process from the builds screen in the CMS, but click 'Edit' beside the build for your webapp.