Tips for Success
8. Continuous Improvement
Now that your app has been launched, it’s important to keep thinking about how you keep your employees coming back time and time again.
You can continue to get face to face feedback from your users, or you might also want to consider having a feedback form embedded into a page in your app. It’s easy to create web forms and embed them by following the instructions here.
The most powerful tools that you have at your disposal however, are the statistics from the Thrive Insights Dashboard.
When your app launches, and your employees begin to download and use it, you’ll start to collect valuable stats about how many users you have, how loyal they are, and which kinds of content are the most popular in your app.
This information isn’t just useful for reporting to management. It should be informing your ongoing content and app promotion strategy.
Get an Overview of Your Audience
You can use the Insights Dashboard to find out how many employees have accessed your app during a particular date range, how many are new vs existing users, how many views each piece of content has, as well as how many likes, comments, recognition posts and user generated posts there have been in your app.
Do note that we don’t track individual users. You’ll see how many users accessed the app, but that information is not in any way associated with their unique app account.

Find Out What They Like
In the Insights Dashboard, you can see which screens are most popular in your app over a given date range.
This is where you can tailor your content to your employees. It’s not always just about the ‘type of content’ though. If you see that a particular piece of content had a lot of hits this week, ask yourself what’s different about it from other content?
- The subject matter
- The tone of voice it’s written with
- Is it user generated content?
- The time of day it was posted
- Did you send a push notification with that content?
These are just examples, but you’re looking for patterns to find out what plays best with your audience. Tailoring your content in this way allows your employees to enjoy the content more, and keeps them coming back.
You can also report on the social engagement in the app. If you’re concerned with trying to increase engagement, you can easily see which types of content are getting the most likes and comments.
Figure Out If They’re Really That into You
User loyalty is a great metric to gauge how much your staff are enjoying the app, and whether they’re finding the content useful.
You can’t tell how many times a particular user has accessed the app, but you can get a good sense of this in the Insights Dashboard.
If you have a high number of new users registering, but a low amount of returning users, then you know that your problem isn’t with promotion or letting people know that the app is available. In this case, you have plenty of people trying out the app, but they’re not finding a reason to come back. In this case you’ll want to think about ways to make the app useful - perhaps with forms for common tasks or a place to share user generated content.
If the opposite is true, and you’re rarely getting any new users even though you know that you’re hiring new employees – think about your app promotion efforts. Have a look again at Step 7 – Launching with Purpose for some ideas on how to effectively promote your app to your employees. You can also think about ways to embed the app registration into your new starters process - get them when they’re just through the door!
Using the Thrive Insights Dashboard to inform your content strategy means that everything you do is evidence-based. Take the guesswork out of app improvement!