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User Management

Manage Your Users with a CSV User Upload File

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 26 July, 2024

Most Thrive customers keep their users up to date in our system using a User Upload File. Doing this means that you do not have to manually create user accounts in the Thrive CMS, manually archive the accounts of leavers, or manually add users to user groups.

Simply send an Excel CSV file that contains your employee's details, on a regular basis to support@thrive.app and we will import that file to keep your user list up to date.

The CSV file that you send to our support team must be formatted correctly, as per the guidance below.

There are three different types of file that you can send to us:

  • Full-Sync: A list of all your current employees. This will sync with your existing employee data held in the Thrive CMS. Existing employee profiles will be updated (for example if their job title has changed), new employees will have accounts created, and if anyone is not on the file thats currently in the system they will be treated as a leaver and their account will be archived (unless their profile is marked as exclude from sync).
  • Joiners: This is simply a list of new employees that have joined your business that don't yet have app accounts. When this file is imported, the employees in the file will have accounts created.
  • Leavers: This is a list of employees that have left your business. When this file is imported, this list of employees will be archived.

When you're sending a new user file to our Support Team, please make sure to specify which of these kinds of file it is. Name your file something like mycompany_fullsync_12Aug24.csv so that we're sure what kind of file we're processing.

The file should contain all of the following columns. Even if you're not including employee data in some of the columns (for example, if you're not providing an email address for the employee's profile) all of the columns must be included on the file.

The columns are as follows, and below we'll give some further guidance about what each of these mean.

Username: A unique identifier for each employee that they will use as their username to log into the app. If all of your employee's have work email addresses, you should use that as the username. If not, then most Thrive customers use something like the employee's Staff ID number, payroll number, etc.

Password: This is a temporary password that the employee will only use when logging in for the first time to register their account. This can be anything you want. Some customers use the employee's year of birth here (YYYY) while others give everyone a generic password seeing as they're forced to change it on first login anyway.

FirstName: The employee's first name.

LastName: The employee's surname.

DisplayName: The employee's full name. This is displayed when the user makes a comment or a user generated post.

JobRole: The employee's job title. This is displayed below the user's DisplayName when they make a comment or a user generated post.

Department: The Department the employee works in. This is only displayed in the user's in-app profile.

ProfileEmailAddress: The employee's work email address. This is only displayed in the user's in-app profile. Do not put your employee's personal email address here, as the email in this field is visible to all other employees using your app.

ProfilePhoneNumber: The employee's work phone number. This is only displayed in the user's in-app profile. Do not put your employee's personal phone number here, as the phone number in this field is visible to all other employees using your app.

Groups: A list of User Groups that you want the employee to belong to. All their groups should be in this one single column and multiple groups should be separated by a pipe character. For example: Nurses|HospitalStaff - this employee would belong to a group called Nurses, and a group called HospitalStaff.

So your file should look like this, with all of these columns included:

Example User File

Note: For your Username and Password, you don't want to have to tell each individual employee what their login credentials are. This is why it's best to use something that they already know. So for example, it makes it so much easier for your employees to register for your app if you can say something like "Your Username is your staff ID number and your temporary password is the year you were born YYYY" - that makes it so much easier for you to communicate to everyone about how to log into your app. 

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Duplicate Usernames: Please ensure that there are no duplicate users in your file. You can double check in Excel by highlighting the Username column > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Duplicates. Please remove any duplicates from your file before sending it to Thrive.
  • Spaces in the Usernames: Your Usernames should not contain spaces.
  • Incorrect Column Headers: Please match the column headers as shown in the example above. They need to be exactly as per the example, and all of the columns need to be included in your file even if you're not putting data in some of those columns.
  • Extra Blank Columns: Highlight Row 1 in Excel, then Sort & Filter > Filter. Only the columns with headings should have the little filter arrows. If blank columns after the Groups column also contain the filter arrows, please delete those extra columns.
  • Deleted Leading Zeroes: If your Usernames or ProfilePhoneNumbers start with '0', please make sure to format those columns as 'text' because Excel has a bad habit of automatically deleting zeroes at the start of a number!
  • Groups in Separate Columns: If some users need to belong to more than one User Group, please keep all of the groups the one single Groups column, rather than having them in separate columns. They should all be in the Groups column, and the group names separated by a vertical pipe character like the example shown above.