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User Management

NEW: Give a User Access to the CMS to Create and Manage App Content as an Org Admin, App Editor or List Editor

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 23 January, 2025

Across the Thrive platform, there are currently four types of user:

  • Organisation Administrator: Admins can add and manage app content in the CMS, and they can also access the Org Settings menu to manage users, reset passwords, update app settings and change your organisation branding settings. As of February 2025 you can now grant this permission to another user if you're already an Org Admin. Instructions for doing so are below.
  • App Editor: App Editors can access the CMS to add and manage your app's content across the whole workspace, but they don't have access to the Org Settings menu to manage user accounts, reset passwords, etc. If you are an Organisation Administrator, you can upgrade a normal app user to an App Editor if you want to give them access to post content from the CMS. See instructions below.
  • List Editor: Someone who has permission to access the CMS to edit and post in specific Lists in your app that you have granted them permission on. Anything they don't have Editing permission on will appear in the CMS as read-only. This is a new type of user introduced as of February 2025.
  • App User: A normal user of your app. This is the type of account your employees will have. They can view app content, post UGC, etc, but do not have access to the CMS.

Upgrade a User to App Editor: Allows posting and editing any content across the workspace

  • Note: As of February 2025 the below represents a new process for granting App Editor permission to a user. Whereas the old process made you change settings for each individual account, in this new process all you need to do is add someone to the App Editors User Group, and they'll automatically be given App Editor permissions. Much easier!

Start by clicking on Org Settings in the Thrive CMS. If you don't see the Org Settings menu, it means that you are not an Org Admin and don't have the required permission.

You will land on the Users screen in Org Settings. You will need to click on the User Groups menu to the left of the screen, and then click on the following user group:

App Group: [yourworkspacename]: Editors

This is a user group that has been automatically created by our system. Simply adding a user to this group will give them App Editor permissions.

Here's an example where the workspace name is 'Thrive':

App editors system group

When you click on the group name to open it, click on the Users tab in the group, then on + Add New User:

Add users to group

Now you can search for users to add to the group. You can search by first name, last name, username or job role. Search for the user then click on them when they appear. You can search for and add multiple users as the same time. When you're done, click on Add Users to add the users to the group.

Now you'll be brought back to the User Group, where you will see the list of users that are currently in the group. To remove any users, simply click the red X beside their name.

Permissions are all now granted via belonging to User Groups, so you can also just double-check that the App Editors User Group has the correct permissions for your workspace. Click on the Workspaces option in the menu to the left of the Org Settings Screen, then click on your workspace.

check group is workspace editor

On this screen, we can see that the App Editors Group has Editor permission for the workspace. This is why we can simply give any user App Editor access by adding them to the App Editors User Group!

You now let this user know that they can log in to the CMS on their PC, using the same Username and Password that they already use for your mobile app.

Upgrade a User to an Organisation Admin: They can edit and post content, but also access the Org Settings menu and user accounts.

Again, this is our new process as of February 2025 which now allows you to grant Org Admin access to a user. Previously you would have had to raise a support ticket to ask Thrive to grant this kind of access, but now you can do it yourself!

It works the same way as the instructions above for granting access as an app Editor. All you need to do is simply add the user in question to the Organisation Admins User Group, and because all permissions are now granted through groups, and that group has already been granted Org Admin access - adding someone to the group will upgrade their account to Org Admin level. 

Note, you might already have an 'Admins' user group - but please make sure to add users to the group that's specifically called Organisation Admins as this is the one automatically created by our system, which grants Org Admin permissions to all users added to it.

Organisation Admins group

After you have added them to the Organisation Admins User Group, they can go ahead and log into the CMS using their existing Username and Password they already use for your app!

Grant Users Access to Edit and Post only to Particular Lists in your app: List Editors

Again, this kind of access is managed through belonging to the appropriate user groups. Let's say we have a List on our app homescreen called Health & Safety, and you would like a few people from the Health & Safety team to manage that part of the app, but not to be able to edit or post anywhere else in the app using the CMS.

You would need to start off by manually creating a new user group called something like Health & Safety Editors, and add the appropriate users you wish to belong to this group and be editors for that particular part of the app.

At the Organisation level the group will be 'Members' (because we don't want them to be Org Admins)

At the Workspace level the group will be 'Viewers' (because we don't want them to be App Editors)

But at the List level, the Group will be granted 'Can Edit' permission...

To grant that access, navigate to the List in the CMS and press the Edit Audience button then press + New Groups and search for the group you created. Like so:

Add group as editor

Where it asks you to select a role, choose As an Editor. Now you can click the X at the top-right to exit this window.

If you press the Edit Audience button again to check your content audience, you will see the Health & Safety Editors group listed, with Edit access for this particular list.

check editors on content audience

When anyone in this group logs in to the CMS, they will be able to edit and post in this list, but all of the other content that they do not have permission to edit will appear to them as read-only.