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@Mention a User to Tag Them in a Comment

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 23 July, 2024

Use @Mentions to start conversations and drive engagement in your employee app


Our @Mentions feature allows app users to 'tag' or mention eachother in comments. When a user is mentioned in a comment, they'll receive a notification to let them know. They can tap on that notification to be brought to the comment in which they were mentioned, so that they can reply and carry on the conversation.

To @Mention someone in a comment, it works the same way as most Social Media platforms. Simply type the @ symbol then begin typing the name of the person you want to mention. As you continue typing, the list of users will get rounded down, then you simply tap on the profile of the person you want to mention. You'll know you've done it right if the person's name is highlighted in blue like in the example image below.

Mention a user in a comment

As an App Admin you can use @Mentions to start conversations and build up a culture of engagement and sharing.

When you post a News Story in your Latest Updates List for example, after you publish it why not go to the app and add a comment yourself to @Mention a couple of the people involved in whatever your news post was about? Ask them some questions about it, ask them for some extra insight. This can work especially well if your organisation doesn't naturally have that kind of culture of commenting, sharing and engaging. You can use @Mentions to start those conversations in the comments section. Other employees will notice... they'll see other people commenting and engaging and they'll be much more likely to 'join in', whereas they wouldn't 'go first' if there were no other comments already there.

Or let's say for example that you have a 'Share Your Bright IdeasUser Generated Content section of your app. If you see that someone has posted an idea there and you know someone who works in the appropriate department that would be able to do something about that idea - again, @Mention that person in the comments of the user's post. Ask them what they think of this idea and if there's any possibility of getting it implemented. Even if there's isn't, then at least the employee that posted it can see that their idea is being listened to and being brought to the attention of the appropriate people or department!

Mentions Notifications