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Adding Content to Your App

Add Content Using Pages: Text, Images, Videos, Audio, Files

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 23 February, 2024

Whereas a List is a container for multiple pieces of content, the Page is a single post that you can add within a list.

Most of the time, when making a new post to your app, you'll do so by adding a Page inside a List. For example, you might have a List called "Latest News" and inside that List, you would add each individual news story post as separate Pages.

The Page widget is made up of easy to use modules, allowing you full flexibility to add text, images, videos, audio files and other web content, and to attach files. Each module on a page is edited independently, and the order of modules can easily be changed.

Add a Page Inside a List

To add a Page, begin by selecting the + icon within your list, and choosing the Page widget:

Add a new page in a list

 Give Your Page a Title and a Featured Image

Start by giving your page a title. Remember that your Page is going to be viewed on a mobile app, so keep your title short and to-the-point, or else it will get cut-off!

You should also use the Appearance tab on your Page to give it a Featured Image. Click here for an explanation of, and guidance on Featured Images. 

Title and featured image

Add Content to Your Page

You can build a page using the various types on content on the content tab of your Page:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Audio
  • Files
  • Web Embed
  • Link to Existing Content in Your App

Simply press the + icon on the Content tab, and click on the type of content you wish to add on your Page:

content types on a page

You can find more detail on each of these content types below:


When adding a text module, you will be presented with some editing tools, allowing you to change the format of the text, bullet lists and insert links. You can also choose the colour of your text, and save custom colours to use again later.

You can also hyperlink to external websites, making them open in an external browser window. To do so, simply highlight the text you wish to Hyperlink then press the Insert/Edit Link button above your text. Enter the URL you want to open when someone taps on the link, then press OK and your Hyperlink will be added to your text! As shown below:

Insert Hyperlink


When you select the Image option, you will be prompted to open the Media Library to choose an image. At this point you have three options:

  • Upload a new image from your PC
  • Choose an image that was previously added to the Media Library
  • Search for an appropriate image using our Unsplash.com integration

To upload a new image from your PC, simply press Choose File or drag and drop and image into the media library. Then click on the image when it appears in the Media Library, and finally press the Insert Selected Media button at the bottom of the screen to add that image to your Page.

To search for an image on Unsplash, press the Import from Unsplash button at the top-left of the Media Library, then use the Search box to find an appropriate image. Click on the image you wish to use, then press the Insert Selected Media button to add it to your Page.

The Media Library


Adding a video module works in the same way as the image module, where you'll be prompted to open the Media Library, where you can choose to upload a new video, or choose one that has previously been uploaded to your Media Library.

Videos added directly to the CMS using the video module will stream on the user's device. We currently support mp4 videos, up to a maximum of 1GB. If your video is larger than this, you can compress it, or embed it from a third party service like YouTube or Vimeo

 When you add a video directly from your PC, on the app it will show a grey box with a play button. If you want to set a featured (thumbnail) image for the video, you can do that by pressing the blue, Add Featured Image button:


The File button allows you to attach a file to your page for your users to download. You can upload any type of file, but we recommend PDFs because your app has a PDF reader built-in. PDFs will open and display directly in your app. If you were to upload another type of file such as MS Word, Powerpoint, etc, the user will be prompted to download the file, and will need to have an appropriate app on their phone to be able to open it. 

A File is added in the same way as an image or video module, where you'll open the media library and then either choose a file, or select one from your PC.

When you add a File to your Page, you'll also have the option to give the File its own Featured Image. So that instead of a simple download icon, you can display your own custom icon on the background of the File:

Add Featured Image to File

Web Embed

You can embed third party content in your app using the Smart Embed Widget. You can use this embed things like videos from Youtube and Vimeo, or short polls and surveys. You'll need the correct embed code to do so. See the Embed Web Content section of this Help Centre site for more detailed guidance. 

Existing - Link to Content Elsewhere in Your App

The Existing module allows you to link to other in-app content from within your page. For example, if you added a new item to your main menu, and you wanted to make a news story about your new section in the app, you can link straight to it from within your story.

When you choose the Existing option on your Page, you'll be able to search for the Content that you wish to link to. Click on the content from the search results, and it will be added as an in-app link to your Page.