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Adding Content to Your App

Post a Web Page to Your App

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 23 February, 2024

While most of the content you'll be posting to your app will be created by adding Pages, if you simply want to link to a website from your app you can do that using the Web Page option within a list.

For example, if you wanted one of the 'tiles' on your app's homescreen to open your company's payslip portal website. Or if you had already posted a news story on your own website, and you don't want to 're-create' it all over again in the Thrive CMS, you can simply use the Web Page option to post a website link, and that website will open inside the in-app browser, making your users feel like they're still in the app rather than being directed to external content.

Note: This is for posting only a web link to your app. If you want to post a hyperlink from text on a Page you can also do that - refer to the article on Adding Content Using Pages for more information on hyperlinking from text.

To link to a website inside a List press the + icon then choose the Web Page option.

Add a web page in a list

Now you'll need to do three things to post your web page:

  • Add your website URL
  • Give your Web Page post a Title
  • Give your Web Page post a Featured Image

Simply copy your URL into the URL box. Make sure your link starts with HTTPS as we do not support unsecure HTTP links. Then give your Web Page post a title:

Add a URL

Next, use the Appearance tab to give your post a Featured Image. Refer to our article on Image Guidelines for full guidance on doing so.

Open Links in External Browser

You'll also notice the option when adding your URL, to Open Link in External Browser, which in un-ticked by default. When this is un-ticked, your web page will load in the in-app browser giving your user the experience of staying within the app even though an external web page is being displayed. The Open Link in External Browser option will open your web page in the user's default web browser on their phone/device rather than opening it within the app.

The reason you may wish to enable this option, is because the in-app browser does not have the ability to set cookies or remember login details for external websites. So if for example, your URL is for something like a Payslip Portal, you may wish to enable this option so that the link opens in the user's own web browser, which will prompt them to save their login details for next time.