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UGC & Peer Recognition

Peer to Recognition: Employees Recognise Others Based on Your Organisation's Values

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 1 March, 2024

Our native Peer to Peer Recognition feature allows your employees to say thanks to each other in your app, and the person who's been thanked will receive a push notification to their phone to let them know!


When saying thanks, they'll choose one of your company's core values to associate with the 'thanks', and they can add in their own comments, as well as a photo or a video if they want to.

There are loads of amazing, but small things going on every single day across your organisation. This feature in your app gives everyone visibility of these everyday heroes, and it encourages your employees to live your organisational values.

A lot of formal employee recognition programmes are all about the outstanding achievements. This feature though, is all about celebrating the small stuff!

To set up Peer Recognition in your employee app, get in touch with your Client Success Manager with a list of your company values. They'll work with you on customising the 'thanks' Pages, and getting everything set up.

Moderation of Peer Recognition Content

Nervous about allowing employee generated content to be published directly to your app? If so, we can enable content moderation so that you or your CMS admins can check the recognition content before it gets published in your app. With moderation enabled, when someone makes a new recognition post, they'll see a message telling them that their post will be moderated by an admin before going live. You'll receive an email to let you know that there's a new post awaiting moderation so that you can check it and publish the post. It's that simple!