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User Management

Manually Adding Users to Groups

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 1 May, 2024

Note: This article gives guidance on manually adding users to User Groups using the Thrive CMS.

Manually Adding Users to Groups

There are three different ways that users can be manually added to User Groups, and we'll cover all three of these methods in this article.

  • Add a single user to a group using the Groups menu
  • Add a group to a user from their User Profile
  • Bulk add multiple users to a group

Add a single user to a group using the Groups menu

When you want to view the group, then add users to it, you can do so from the User Groups menu. Click on Org Settings at the top of the Thrive CMS, then click on User Groups in the menu to the left of the screen. Now click on the user group that you want to add a user to.

In the user group, click on the Users tab, then click on + Add New User

Add User to Group

Now you can search for users to add to the group. You can search by first name, last name, username or job role. Search for the user then click on them when they appear. You can search for and add multiple users as the same time. When you're done, click on 'Add Users' to add the users to the group.

Now you'll be brought back to the User Group, where you will see the list of users that are currently in the group. To remove any users, simply click the red X beside their name.

Add a Group to a User from Their User Profile

The second way that you can add a single user to a group, is to do it straight from a User's profile in the Thrive CMS.

Click on Org Settings in the Thrive CMS, and you'll automatically land on the Users menu. Search for the user you want to add to a group. You can search using their Username, First Name, or Surname. Click on the user's Username when they appear after searching, to open their Profile.

When you enter the user's profile, click on the User Groups tab along the top row of the profile:

Groups Menu in User Profile

Now simply press +Add New User Group and you'll see a list of User Groups that they can be added to.

Click on Add Group beside any groups you want to add this user to, then press Close to close this menu.

Add Groups to User

When you close that screen you'll be back in the User Groups tab of the user's profile, and you'll see the groups they now belong to. Finally, press the Save Changes button to finish adding the user to groups:

Save changes to user groups

Bulk Add Multiple Users to a Group

The final way that users can be added to groups, is by adding them in bulk. If you have a list of users that you would like to manually add to a group, this is the option you're looking for.

Same as we did when adding a single user to a group using the Groups menu, start by going to Org Settings in the Thrive CMS, then to the Groups menu on the left.

Click on the group that you want to add your users to, but this time select the +Bulk Add Users option:

Bulk Add Users to Group

Now you will see the screen below, that allows you to paste in your list of usernames to be added to the group. Each username must be on a new line (so it's best to copy from something like an excel document) and you can add up to 200 at a time:

Paste List of Users to Bulk Add

When you have pasted your list, press the Add Users button and you'll be shown a confirmation screen. This screen will show if there are any errors - for example if some of your usernames are not valid, or if any of the accounts have been archived. Only the valid Usernames will be added to the group.

When you are ready to proceed, press the Confirm and Complete button:

Confirm and Complete Bulk Add to Group

Finally, you'll be brought back to the Users tab for your group, with the updated list of users belonging to that group.

While the above guidance primarily applies to ad-hoc groups that are managed manually from within the Thrive CMS, most of our customers manage their User Groups automatically with no manual intervention via the CSV User File that gets uploaded on a regular basis. Using this method means that all of your user data and groups are kept up to date using the information provided on that CSV file, which is sent to Thrive on a regular basis.

For guidance on creating and updating your user data via CSV import file, please see the article here.