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User Management

Give a User Access to the CMS to Create and Manage App Content

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 6 August, 2024

Across the Thrive platform, there are currently three types of user:

  • Organisation Administrator: Admins can add and manage app content in the CMS, and they can also access the Org Settings menu to manage users, reset passwords, update app settings and change your organisation branding settings. If you want to give someone this level of account, please contact support@thrive.app and ask our support team to upgrade an account to have the Organisation Administrator permission.
  • App Editor: Editors can access the CMS to add and manage your app's content, but they don't have access to the Org Settings menu to manage user accounts, reset passwords, etc. If you are an Organisation Administrator, you can upgrade a normal app user to an App Editor if you want to give them access to post content from the CMS. See instructions below.
  • App User: A normal user of your app. This is the type of account your employees will have. They can view app content, post UGC, etc, but do not have access to the CMS.

Upgrade an App User to App Editor So They Can Access the CMS to Post App Content

Start by clicking on Org Settings in the Thrive CMS. If you don't see the Org Settings menu, it means that you are not an Org Admin and don't have the required permission.

You will land on the Users screen in Org Settings. Search for the account that you wish to give Editor permission to, then click on their Username to open their profile.

Now click on the Workspaces tab of their user profile, and click on +Add New Workspace. As shown below:

Add New Workspace

Then in the User Role drop-down menu beside your workspace, choose Editor:

New User Role

Finally, press Save Changes.

You now let this user know that they can log in to the CMS on their PC, using the same Username and Password that they already use for your mobile app.