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User Management

Manually add a new user to your app

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 3 April, 2024

Most of the time, new users will be added by uploading a new CSV user upload file, so you'll only need to use this method if you want to manually create a new account to give someone access to your app.

Start by clicking on Org Settings in the Thrive CMS, then click on the Add New User button: 


You will now be able to enter the details of the new user on the following screen:

When giving your new user a username, it needs to be unique in your organisation and it should contain no spaces

The password you give the user will be a Temporary Password, in that they will only use it once to register their account and then they will be asked to choose a new one. The password you choose here needs to contain at least 8 characters including at least one uppercase, lowercase, number and a special character.

Complete the rest of the fields, and add a profile picture for the user if you like.

You'll see two tick-box options:

'User Active' is ticked by default. You can un-tick this if you wish to remove the user's access to your organisation.

'Exclude from User Sync' - ticking this option means that the user will not be deleted when bulk uploading using a .csv file. This can be useful if you want to add someone who would not normally be on your .csv user upload lists.

When you have completed all required fields, click on the blue 'add user' button to add the user, or 'cancel' to return to the previous screen:

 Now that you have created the user account, you can also use the User Groups tab to choose which groups this user should belong to. You can find full guidance for adding a user to user groups here.

If you want this user to have access to the Thrive CMS to add content to your app, you can give them that access in the Workspaces tab of their profile. See guidance here for giving a user the Editor permission for your app.