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Content Segmentation & User Groups

Publish Content & Send Notifications for Specific User Groups

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 1 May, 2024

Note Before you can publish content to groups, make sure you have:

  • Created your user group(s)
  • Added users to your groups
  • Assigned your groups to your workspace

Publishing Content to Groups

Publishing content for a specific group or multiple groups is done using the Audience tab for your content. So if you want to make an entire List visible only to specific groups you would use the Audience tab for the List. Or if you only want to restrict a particular Page within a List to a specific group, you would use the Audience tab for that Page.

Before you press Save and Publish Now to publish your content to your app, click on the Audience tab to define which User Groups should see this content. By default content is visible to everyone. So if you don't want to restrict your content, simply leave the Audience tab as-is.


You can see that by default, content is available to all users, unless you specify a group, or groups.

To do so, search for the group that you wish this content to be restricted to in the Choose Groups to restrict audience field. If you know the name of the group, just start typing its name, or if you want to see a list of all available groups, just press the star key *


Now click on the group that you want that to be able to see the content. If you want to add multiple groups to be able to see this content, you can do by repeating the process. Selected groups will appear in blue, and the padlock icon will shut - showing you that the content will only be available these groups.

 If the User Group you're looking for is not appearing in the list, it's probably because you have not assigned that group to your workspace. Follow the guidance here to do that.

When you're satisfied that you have added the group(s) you want, now you can click the Save and Publish button, to publish your content so that it's only visible to users who are in the specified groups.

Send Notifications for Specific Groups

After you have published your content with the Audience tab showing the Groups who have access to that content, it's just a matter of sending a notification in the normal way. The notification will automatically only be sent to those users who are in the groups that have access to this piece of content.