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Likes & Comments

Enable or Disable Comments and Likes

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 8 July, 2024

Likes and Comments are enabled by default when you're setting up your app. You have two options for disabling them:

1. Completely enable or disable Likes and/or Comments for your whole app

2. Leave them on by default, but enable or disable them for specific content on a case by case basis

Enabling / Disabling Social Features for your Workspace

For the first option, if you want to completely disable the ability for your users to comment and/or like your content, you can turn these features off for your whole Workspace.

In the Thrive CMS click on Org Settings > Workspaces > (Your Workspace)

You'll see Feature Switch checkboxes to enable and disable various features.

Simply un-tick the boxes for Likes and Comments, and that feature will be completely removed from your app. Do note that if doing this, you cannot then decide to enable commenting for a 'one off' piece of content. Disabling Likes and/or Comments in this menu turns off the feature altogether.

Workspace Overview

When you're finished, make sure to press Save Changes to apply your change of feature switches.

Again please note, that if you disable Likes and/or Comments on this screen, they cannot then be enabled on a Per-Page basis. If you want to enable or disable on a case by case per-page basis, you would have to leave the features 'on' (ticked) like in the example above, and instead use the guidance below to choose which of your content pages can be liked and commented on.

Enabling or Disabling Likes and Comments Per-Page

If you have likes and/or comments enabled for your Workspace, you will see the options to turn off commenting and liking when editing a Page. You'll find this in the Social Engagement menu on the right hand side of the Page editing screen.

Simply un-tick the required checkboxes to turn off social features for that Page:

Social Engagement Settings