
Employee App Success Tips: A Hat-Trick of World Cup 2022 Content Ideas

World Cup season is upon us and we’re all getting hyped up on our countries’ chances of bringing it home! Your app doesn’t have to be all-business, all the time, so why not tap into some of that hype and excitement among your employees, and have a bit of fun with your employee app by using some of our World Cup content ideas below?

Image of Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager

By Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager 23 November, 2022

World Cup@2x (1)

1. Host a World Cup Quiz

Everyone loves a good old quiz! You can make this really simple and low stakes by adding an existing World Cup quiz from the internet to your app. The best 2022 online World Cup quiz we’ve found is this one from Al Jazeera: 

Simply add this as a ‘web page’ to one of your lists in the Thrive content management system. Give it a title and a featured image, and you’re good to go! 

1 worldcupquiz

If you'd like your quiz to be a bit more involved and interactive, with prizes for high scores where employees need to enter their details to win, you can create your own World Cup quiz using Typeform or Sporcle, which you can also easily publish to your Thrive employee app as a web page or embed using HTML.

2. Encourage Employees to Show Their True Colours With a World Cup Photo Gallery

A user generated content list in your Thrive employee app is a great way to add a bit of fun and encourage your employees to show everyone how they are supporting their countries with their co-workers, family and friends. Even more so if you’re a multi-national company with employees in and from various parts of the world, it’s a chance to really add some colour and celebrate your company’s diversity! 

Creating a UGC list is really easy. Have a look at our online guidance right here for a step- by-step guide. Also make sure to check out our Learning Track in your Thrive Content Management System’s home screen: Making the Most of User Generated Content for some great examples of how some of our customers have used this feature to promote employee engagement and app adoption. 

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3. Host a World Cup Score Predictions Game!

For this idea, you can simply ask your colleagues to sign-up to an online prediction for the world cup and create a league for your company. For example, at Thrive we have a mini league set up at:, when anyone uses our invite code to sign-up, they’re automatically added to our league table for score predictions. Each employee can predict the scores of the remaining World Cup matches, and they’ll be awarded points based on how close their predictions are to the results! 

The best way to introduce this in your app would be to first of all create your league at the predictions website above and get your invite code. Then create a post in your app's news feed to encourage employees to join in by using the invite. If you want a record of everyone signing up, and you want everyone to get an in-app notification about your predictions league, you could also add an acknowledgement button to your post for people to declare that they’ve joined, like in the example screenshots below. 

3 predictionsWe hope that these ideas help to spark some inspiration for your Thrive employee app and show just how easy it is to add fun and engaging content that your employees will appreciate! If you’d like more help, contact and we’ll get you started.  

Written by Ian McCutcheon, Client Success Manager at Thrive

Description automatically generated with low confidence


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