The Best Way to Engage a Mobile Workforce
Large numbers of employees scattered far and wide across vast physical locations is an operational quandary many large companies now face. Mobile workers connected by the internet, are increasingly becoming the norm but the question is –
"Which mobile workforce management tool is the best in successfully engaging these employees and fostering collaborative working?"
Newsletters, noticeboards, team meetings – these traditional forms of communication simply don’t work with a mobile workforce. Costly newsletters become out of date by the time they’ve reached employees, crowded noticeboards are passed by and lengthy team meetings are impossible with time-bound workers.
In an era where workers are no longer tied to desks and the traditional 9-5 working pattern, just how can businesses empower staff with the real-time information needed to effectively plan their day?
The Solution: A Mobile Workforce Management App
This was the exact dilemma faced by First Aberdeen’s MD David Phillips when their 2015 annual staff survey, from over 500 employees, reported a need for increased communications via more interactive and easily accessed methods.
The solution was a mobile workforce management app created by Thrive (formerly knownas TheAppBuilder).
“81% of CEOs see mobile technologies as being strategically important for their enterprises.” and now new mobile technologies are being used to help workers complete tasks remotely.
(Source: Forbes)
Based on internal research that found that 85% of First employees would use a staff app on their mobile phones, Better Journeys for Life (BJfL) was born.
Built with the Mobile Worker in Mind
Staff were involved from the outset, brainstorming topics they would like to see included. Leading from feedback and keeping the user at the forefront, we designed an internal communications tool that encompassed nine key areas bespoke to First’s mobile workforce - News, Diversions, Depot Docs, Feedback, Staff Benefits, Team Brief, Safety, Contacts and MD’s Blog.
The MD’s video Blog quickly became a winner – facilitating a chance for David to speak directly to staff; filmed informally on a smartphone.
MD David Phillips is filmed for his innovative mobile video blog
“We're trying to make it about the staff, not use it as a management propaganda tool. We don't want it to be too corporate. The idea is to help them do their job.” First Aberdeen’s MD David Phillips
Easy to Use, Relevant and Timely
Updates are easily made via a simple Content Management System and after just a short training session, First’s communications staff were adding content and sending notifications across their mobile workforce within the hour.
Google Analytics reports also mean David and his team can see what staff are most interested in and update or remove content that’s not:
“Scheduling data was very popular, which led to holiday rotas being added. What's more, users can easily feed back directly; there's a form for comments on the app. It's a huge benefit over a staff magazine, for example, with no way of knowing who's read what. For the future we're developing it and talking to staff to understand what they want from it.”
Positive Changes across the Workforce
Thanks to the app, First now operate an employee-centric work environment with real time interaction that has increased productivity and boosted staff morale. Staff have already noticed the positive changes –
"It's so handy, from my point of view as a driver trainer; you can work out which shift a driver is on. I was handing diaries out last week and the drivers said 'I don't use my diary anymore, I just use the app'.” - Driver Trainer Mike Boyle
"With diversions and current duties all loaded and a link to check out current notices, our MD has his own video blog link and a telephone contacts section... I'm impressed.” - Driver Eddie Cairns
Watch how the Thrive's (formerly known as TheAppBuilder) award-winning mobile workforce management app have brought about positive changes to First’s staff here:
80% of UK employees work with a smartphone in their pocket. Our team can have your fully branded company app up and running in as little as 10 working days.
Click here to contact the Thrive team today to find out how you can better engage your mobile workforce.