Four Ways to Turn Your Employee App Green This St. Patrick’s Day!
Did you know that Thrive.App is an Irish company? We’re based in Belfast, Northern Ireland but St. Patrick's Day is celebrated all around the world on the 17th of March, so why not paint your app green for the occasion and add some St. Patrick’s Day fun for your employees?

Using annual events like St. Patrick’s Day to bring a bit of light-heartedness to your employee app is a great way to increase engagement and show your teams that it doesn’t have to be ‘all business, all the time.’
Here are four ideas to hopefully spark some inspiration:
- 1. Turn Your App Green
- 2. St. Patrick's Day Themed Photo Wall Competition
- 3. Organise a St. Patrick's Day Themed Quiz Event
- 4. Find the Green Shamrock
1. Turn Your App Green...Literally
Change your app menu and title bar colour to green and add a little ☘️ emoji!
This is easy to do and works well alongside the below ideas. In your Thrive.App Content Management System (CMS), all you need to do is click on Branding in the menu on the left of the screen, then enter the Hex value of the colour you want, then press Save and Publish Now.
We've used this Hex value: #229510

2. St. Patrick's Day Themed Photo Wall Competition
An event like St. Patrick’s Day is a perfect opportunity to add User Generated Content (UGC).
If you don’t already have User Content Publishing enabled within your app, all you need to do is create a new list within your CMS, enable User Publishing to ensure your teams can post their own content.
Before launching your photo wall competition, you might want to ask your App Champions to add images in advance so that the photo wall has some examples of photos within it, and it looks busy when the rest of your teams see it. From experience we know that no one wants to go first, but if your teams see other photos added they are more likely to take part, plus you can encourage your app champions to share the types of photos you want to get the tone of.
Add and push a news item to everyone to encourage them to take part in the fun by sharing a St. Patrick’s Day themed photo to your app’s photo wall.
If you have some budget available, you could even run a competition with an incentive. ‘Whichever pic gets the most likes or comments is the winner’ is a good way to get your employees liking and commenting in the app and interacting more with the content!

3. Organise a St. Patrick's Day Themed Quiz Event
Your Thrive employee app is an easy-to-use, accessible tool for arranging events and competitions. You can even offer RSVP reservations for events (with or without restricted spaces) and give everyone access to the competition through our Acknowledgements feature.
Create a news post inviting everyone to a virtual St. Patrick’s Day themed quiz and ask them to RSVP via the Acknowledgements feature.

4. Find the Green Shamrock
This idea will add some fun with a St. Patrick’s Day Competition while also encouraging your teams to engage more with your app content.
Continue to publish your app content as normal. In the run up to St. Patrick’s Day, once a day, you can hide a few green shamrocks within images across your app - see the middle screenshot below for an example. You can use this shamrock image below if you would like. It’s easy to do this, just add the shamrock to the corner of one of your existing images within your app content. Programs like MS Paint or Canva will help you do this.