Streamline Your Operations

Start Streamlining Operations and Powering Up Communications Today.

Understanding the Problem

At nos hinc posthac sitientis piros afros mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat amaras curabitur est gravida et libero vitae dictum morbi odio eros volutpat ut pharetra vitae lobortis sed nibh.

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Companies with engaged employees have a 98% greater customer satisfaction and 50% higher customer loyalty than ones with disengaged employees. (Source: Korn Ferry Hay Group)

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Good company culture increases revenue by 4x. (Source: Forbes)

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Organ­i­sa­tions with High Employ­ee Engage­ment Out­per­form Those with Low Lev­els of Engage­ment by 202%. (Source: Gallup)

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Mobile Payroll

We know that in certain scenarios, groups of employees may not have credentials to access online payroll systems and in these instances, companies have to rely on additional manual processes to create, manage and send paper-based payslips. Our premium Locker feature creates a brand-new streamlined mechanism to unify how all employees can receive their payslips without the need for additional processes, cost overhead for system access or moving away from your existing payroll system.
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Manage Rotas & Overtime Shifts

Our new Thrive Planner feature (in development) will create an entirely new way to manage events across your business. Our Thrive Planner tool, allows you to dynamically create, manage and report on events. Setup events to manage rota’s, overtime shifts, office working capacity, create events for charity, social meetups, and mental health sessions and more. Our flexible naming and tagging systems will provision for accurate event reporting and with additional form capture, allow you to quickly gather information from RSVP’s without having to worry about gathering responses via email, via phone or messaging apps – all the events can be managed in one place.

Business Resilience & Continuity

As the Thrive app is cloud-hosted outside of your IT system, it is unaffected by email server issues, this means that you can send important updates and latest news, in real-time, through push notifications, even when other systems have failed. The Thrive app creates a single channel of communication between the business and the employee. Information can be accessed online or offline and the availability of Thrive on mobile or the web negates any geographic displacement of employees or whether network access is required.

Safety, Efficiency & Compliance

Expedite compliance and H&S procedures and eliminate confusion for front-line, desk less employees with our helpful Acknowledgements feature. Upload documents, distribute information and gather employee responses and acknowledgements using the Thrive app. Teams can confirm they have read and understood important Health and Safety documents, videos, and files, for example, directly from their phone. You receive a detailed audit report to review and share at any time. Helping you to measure how quickly your compliance requirements are fulfilled and share data easily with customers, suppliers, and key stakeholders.

Accident Reporting

Embed your existing forms into the app to carry out health and safety checks or report accidents.

Secure Document Sharing

Share sensitive and confidential documents like payslips, training certificates, pension statements, and important company information with your employees by using our secure, dedicated, and personalised Locker feature. No need for additional user accounts, employee training and maintaining access to third party systems – simply upload and send personal and private HR (Human Resources) documents from internal systems to all employees through Locker, for quick, secure, paper-free document delivery and peace of mind.

Manage Holiday Requests

Embed your existing holiday request forms into the app.

Integrate with Existing Systems

You may already have systems in place for managing payroll, holiday bookings, benefits and rewards, rota systems and more. With the Thrive app, you can link everything together by signposting all these systems within one channel, making the app a one-stop shop to streamline your internal operations while improving your employee communications and engagement. The Thrive app's API (Application Programmatic Interface) allows for integration with third party systems, so that you can create content in your employee app externally, then push it directly to the app.

Here's what our customers say...

Client Showcase

Santos Brasil Harness the power of their employee app by

At nos hinc posthac sitientis piros afros mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat amaras curabitur est gravida et libero vitae dictum morbi odio eros volutpat ut pharetra vitae lobortis sed nibh ambitioni dedisse scripsisse iudicaretur quisque ut dolor gravida placerat libero vel euismod.